Do you have the correct mindset for your business?
Follow along as I discuss the differences in employee mindset and entreprenuer mindset.
Do you have what it takes to build a successful business?
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The reasons clients buy from you is not often what you think.
This episode continues off the previous episode on why clients buy
Why Clients Buy
Here are the reasons why clients buy
It's not always the reasons you think either...
What they are buying... might not be what you are selling.
This series on reasons why clients buy can transform your income and business! Dig in if you like money.
Also, check out if you want leads!
How to increase revenue
There are only 3 ways to increase revenue or income. These are the 3 ways to do it and explained out. Most people only focus on the #1 way to increase revenue but they ignore the other two big ways to increase revenue quickly
Ugh don't you hate it when a prospect says I need to think about it
Here is a way to handle that sales objection, but moreso... here's a way to transform ALL of your sales calls and conversions and make a ton more.
This objection, "I Need To Think About It" is a symptom of a much bigger problem and I'll explain it all inside this episode.
Listen, there are some serious insights shared on this episode to handle this very common sales objection of "I need to think about it"
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Eric Louviere
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This is my story of discovering the Law Of Attraction For Money.
I discovered Law of attraction for money when I was in high school in the late 1980's after reading books like "The Power Of Positive Thinking" and "Think And Grow Rich" and others.
In college in the early 90's I discovered Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn and many others. From there, I got into Tommy Hopkins For Sales, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracey and many others.
Finally, in early 2000's I got into "The Science Of Getting Rich" and other books until the movie "The Secret" came out.
This podcast episode is my stories of how the Law of attraction for money worked for me. These are REAL stories of the power of this force in my own life for making more and more money.
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How to be visible
By 7-Figure Entrepreneur Eric Louviere
When it comes to generating more revenue and success online, you or your business must become more visible. You need to be "top of mind awareness" in your market.
You or your business should be omnipresent.
You ought to want to bombard the market with you or your brand or your offer. The more visible you are, the more people will throw money at you.
Get the market to know, like and trust you.
Get the market to put YOU or YOUR brand in their visual "crosshairs".
Put the spotlight on you.
Carpetbomb the marketplace with you or your brand or your offer.
Consistently, persistently, continue to remain visible.
Use Social Media platforms to constantly post and be visible. Use podcasts to be in front of your listeners. Email your list more than once per day. Run ads on Facebook or Google or YouTube. Post new videos on YouTube.
The list of sources or platforms or places you can carpetbomb the market is endless! You could literally spend 8 hours per day just carpetbombing the marketplace with YOU or YOUR brand.
The more you do it, the more the platforms' algorythms will share your content and posts and "visibliity actions".
How To Be Visible!
So many people out there never become visible. They are afraid to stick their head out there. They are afraid to be public. They are afriad their boss or neighbors or family will see what they are doing. They are afraid of ridicule.
Become immune to ridicule.
AND, realize your peers don't buy your stuff! Your family or friends or boss do not buy your stuff. Why care what they think? I mean, I guess unless you're afraid of getting fired from a day job, well, don't do that.
Otherwise, use your judgement to determine how or when to be visible.
How To Be Visible
When it comes to making Online Passive Income, here is one of the biggest secrets of all and it's a game changer if you can own it and apply it.
Online passive income requires this insight, or failure is automatic.
Put on your thinking cap and dig right in to this enlightening episode by Eric Louviere.
I want to arm you with intel on how to defeat haters and critics!