How to be a money magnet
How to get high ticket sales
How to attract money
How to attract high ticket sales
How to be more magnetic to customers
Be An Affluent Person
If you want to achieve more in business as an entrepreneur, then you have to transform into an affluent person. You cannot have stinking thinking and expect to achieve anything extraordinary. It requires having an affluent mindset or BEING an affluent person.
If you see yourself higher level, then you'll have higher level expecations about yourself.
If you see yourself as affluent, then you'll act affluent and attract affluent people to you
Let's dig in on this episode on how to be an affluent person.
Be, Do, Have.
Act As If.
Eric discusses how to craft your high ticket offer and picking your ideal client.
This is part two to a multi part series on how to earn big with high ticket offers
More on high ticket offers is being discussed inside our private facebook group found here.
High Ticket Digital Marketing
On this episode, Eric Louviere discusses what high ticket digital marketing is.
Eric Louviere discusses why high ticket digital marketing is where the big money is at.
Eric shares why you should focus more on high ticket instead of low ticket
For further discussion, Eric is teaching high ticket insights inside his private community:
Facebook Private Community: Go Here Right Now
how much you earn depends on what level you see yourself at.
How you see yourself is critical to how much you charge and how much you make.
Perhaps you are comparing yourself to others out there, especially the gurus and influencers.
Maybe you have imposter syndrome
Maybe you hold yourself back or beat yourself up too much.
Maybe you lack enough confidence to take bold action?
Maybe you do not have the courage to truly let yourself shine bright!
Let's unpack this and dig in!
I even get personal on this episode, so dig in and enjoy!
This is my story of discovering the Law Of Attraction For Money.
I discovered Law of attraction for money when I was in high school in the late 1980's after reading books like "The Power Of Positive Thinking" and "Think And Grow Rich" and others.
In college in the early 90's I discovered Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn and many others. From there, I got into Tommy Hopkins For Sales, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracey and many others.
Finally, in early 2000's I got into "The Science Of Getting Rich" and other books until the movie "The Secret" came out.
This podcast episode is my stories of how the Law of attraction for money worked for me. These are REAL stories of the power of this force in my own life for making more and more money.
Dig in.
Get Cracking!
Join us in my private community on Facebook here:
Life Changing Income
Here's part 3 of a series of episodes on how to make life changing income online. This is not how to simply make a few bucks here and there, this is how to make enough money and income you change your life and maybe even your children's lives (or grandchildren's lives).
Looking to make a big impact here, so dig in, buckle up and let's get cracking!
Join my Facebook Group here (no cost) —> Make Life Changing Income
Here's part 2 of a series of episodes on how to make life changing income online. This is not how to simply make a few bucks here and there, this is how to make enough money and income you change your life and maybe even your children's lives (or grandchildren's lives).
Looking to make a big impact here, so dig in, buckle up and let's get cracking!
Join my Facebook Group here (no cost) —> Make Life Changing Income